Dr. Arjun Baniya
Research Director
Bharatpur-11, Chitwan
Sun – Fri 6:00A.M. – 2:00P.M.
A Research Management Cell (RMC) was established within the college to foster the advancement of research and professional development as a research unit. The primary mission of this cell encompasses the following objectives:
Moreover, under the complete purview of the research management cell, U-TEC has successfully published the inaugural issue of the Journal of UTEC Engineering Management, which features ten scientific papers. Under the full responsibility of RMC, U-TEC conducted an international conference, first e-confrence, a technical one in Chitwan. Additionally, faculty members and M.Sc. students have contributed to various high-impact international and national-level journals, with substantial support provided for numerous projects and theses.
Dr. Arjun Baniya
Assoc. Professor / Research Director
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anjay Kumar Mishra of his many authored article, congratulations again for his another published article on Operational Relation of Cement to Estimate Strength on Journal: South Asian Research Journal of Engineering and Technology along with co-authors Khem Raj Joshi (Registrar of Nepal Engineering Council) and Associate Professor Damyanti G Badagha published in Volume-3 ,Issue-1, Jan-Feb -2021. Thank you for acknowledging us in the article and our support. We would be more than happy to be associated with you and your team in these research activities. And once again congratulations for your extradonirary research work in Nepal.
Access to the Link https://sarpublication.com/media/articles/SARJET_31_1-7.pdf
DOI: 10.36346/sarjet.2021.v03i01.001
Among his many articles, another article was published recently on 28 April 2022 on title “Performance evaluation of existing water supply system: a case study” in International Journal of Energy and Water Resources. You can access the abstract in the following link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42108-022-00195-z?fbclid=IwAR0BM05uqCXUMA__mJIf41Z3QCMZxegqOkwFSRAffjDGLMAd6t0TWVP6Y7g
Another article on “An Imperative on Green Financing in the Perspective of Nepal” was published on Volume 6 of International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management on 19 October, 2022. The article is accessible in: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7221741
Arjun Baniya, Mahendra B. Baniya, Takeshi Fujino, Rocky Talchabhadel, Saroj Karki, Shivaram K.C. & Biswo Jha published an article “Detectability of the trend and hysteresis in rainfall across Kali Gandaki River Basin, Central Himalaya, Nepal”
Deepak Khanal as a first author and with Dr. Anjay Kumar Mishra & Asst. Professor Er. Birat Ghimire as co-authors (also the faculty of U-TEC) published an article “Technical Suitability Assessment of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block as Alternative Building wall Construction Material; A Case of Nepal” in Saudi Journal of Civil Engineering (SJCE), Volume – IV, Issue – V July 16, 2020.
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DOI : 10.36348/sjce.2020.v04i05.002
Raju Aryal along with co-authors Sunita Poudel & Dr. Anjay Kumar Mishra published his article on “Impact of Covid-19 on Budget Implementation at Gaindakot Municipality, Nepal” in International Journal of Computational Research and Development in the Volume V and Issue 2 in 2020.
The co-authors for the article are Sunita Poudel and Dr. Anjay Kumar Mishra.
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2nd Article on Practice of Concrete Production In Gaindakot Municipality, Nepal was published in Journal of Advanced Research in Construction and Urban Architecture in Volume 5, Issue 1 &2. The second author of the article is also Dr. Anjay Kumar Mishra.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2456.9925.202001
3rd Article on In-situ compressive strength assessment of concrete in under-construction residential buildings at Gaindakot municipality was published in Materials Today: Proceedings on 3rd December, 2020. The second author of the article is also Dr. Mishra.
ISSN 2214-7853,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.10.630.
Rochak Adhikari as first author along with Dr. Anjay Kumar Mishra (faculty) & Er. Khem Raj Joshi (Nepal Engineering Council), published an article on “Causative Factors of Accidents in Commercial Buildings of Bharatpur Metropolitan City” in Saudi Journal of Civil Engineering (SJCE), Volume – 4, Issue – 07
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DOI : 10.36348/sjce.2020.v04i07.001
4th batch (2nd semester) Mr. Bijay Raj Neupane published an article on as a first author “Impact of COVID-19 on Labor Management; A Case of Reconstruction Works at Bharatpur Metropolitan City, Nepal”. The second author of the published article is our faculty Dr. Anjay Kumar Mishra. The article was published in the East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management in Volume 3, Issue 10 of October 2020.
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DOI: 10.36349/easjebm.2020.v03i10.004
1st batch Ms. Shristi Regmi published an article on “An Evaluation of Challenges of Rural Road Construction Management in Budhinanda Municipality, Nepal” as a first author. The second author of the published article is our Principal/Academic Director Prof Dr. Keshab Datt Awasthi and Lecturer Buddhi Raj Joshi. The article was published in the Journal of Advanced Reserach in Construction and Urban Architecture in Volume 6, Issue 1 of 2021.
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2nd batch Mrs. Bhawani Dhakal published an article on as a first author “Assessment of Delay Factors and its Impacts on Selected Road Construction Supervised by Department of Road”. The second author of the published article is our Principal/Academic Director Prof. Dr. Keshab Datt Awasthi along with other faculty Niraj Bohara. The article was published in the Journal of Advanced Research in Construction & Urban Architecture in Volume 6, Issue 2 of 2021 on 15 July, 2021.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2456.9925.202104
2nd batch Mr. Achyut Koirala published an article on as a first author “Assessment of Occupational Safety Practice of Building Construction Sites: A Case from Bharatpur Municipality, Nepal”. The second author of the published article is our programme coordinator Mr. Biirat Ghimire and Dr. Binod Aryal. The article was published in the Journal of Advanced Research in Construction & Urban Architecture in Volume 6, Issue 3 of 2021 on 21 September, 2021.
Access to the Link
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2456.9925.202106
Admissions open for M.Sc. in Construction Management and M.Sc. in Transportation Engineering & Management.